Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mr. Lumpkins

Next would be Lumpkins, who we got as a kitten from a family out in the country. We think he may have some Norwegian Forest cat in him as he sheds his long coat in the summer but grows it back in the winter.
He has always been very forward, and people orientated,

Also very brave,
Silly, and troublesome!

Lumpkins loves the piano. He discovered through a gap in the piano that the keys moved the inner mechanisms and loves to sit and watch them move. He also enjoys making arrangements of his own on the piano, at the best times of night. My personal favorite was the day we had a Bible study at our house,we were wrapping up and as we were praying, Mr Lumpkins became inspired with a tune that he decided must be shared. Haha. Yes he freaked out all those who didn't know I had a musically inclined cat. It was so funny, the looks on their faces!

His favorite pass times now are sleeping, and eating. He has turned into a wonderful lap kitty!

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